Research and Educational Cooperation Protocol With Ukraine

After the visit of Olexandr N. Petrenko, Deputy Director of Dnipropetrovsk National University Institute of Physics and Technology to METU, a research and educational cooperation protocol has been signed between METU Aerospace Engineering Department and Dnipropetrovsk National University and Science and Technology Institute of Ukraine.

Within the scope of this protocol METU and Dnipropetrovsk National University, Science and Technology Institute have agreed to promote an exchange programme for faculty and leading researchers of both sides to conduct research and/or to teach courses at all levels, to poromote an exchange programme for graduate/undergraduate students for a period of at least semester, to organize joint summer schools, to investigate the possibility of joint Ph.D. and M.Sc. programmes, to organize international and bilateral workshops, seminars, conferences and similar technical meetings in the area of space sciences.

Some possible topics of courses are:

  • Information About Ukranian Space Industry
  • The National Space Agency of Ukraine