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Flow Over a Close-Coupled Canard-Wing-Body Configuration |
Laminar and Turbulent flowfields over a close-coupled delta canard-wing configuration are computed using the OVERFLOW Navier-Stokes solver. The flowfield is assumed to be symmetric and the computational domain around the half-body canard-wing combination is discretized by overset, structured sub-grids. The flowfields are computed at 20 degree incidence at free stream Mach number of 0.2 and a Reynolds number of 74000.The computed particle traces and velocity contours show the canard and wing vortices and their interaction. In the turbulent flow, the interaction is much stronger and a single vortex prevails over the wing in comparison to two vortices in laminar flow computations. It appears from the low velocity magnitude in the vortex core that the main vortex breaks down pass 80% chord location in both laminar and turbulent flowfield. The computed upper surface pressure distributions on the delta wing. show the suction induced by wing vortices and their trajectories. In the turbulent flowfield, a strong, single suction trajectory is observed. In the laminar flowfield, flow separates at the wing-body junction and pressure field is close to stagnation values. The comparison of experimental and computed spanwise, surface pressure distributions on the delta wing clearly shows the effect of turbulence modeling. As a result of the strong interaction of canard and wing vortices, the suction peak on the wing is recovered. The vortex trajectory also agrees well with the experimental data.
- A Computational Study Of Subsonic Flow Over A Close-Coupled Delta Canard-Wing-Body Configuration
I.H. Tuncer and M.F. Platzer, to be published in the AIAA Journal of Aircraft.
- A computational Study of a Close-Coupled Delta Canard-Wing-Body Configuration,
I.H. Tuncer, M.F. Platzer and R.D. VanDyken, AIAA paper 96-2440, the 14th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 17-20, 1996
- Passive Control of Flow Separation over Delta Wings at High Angle-of-Attack,
R. VanDyken, K. Yu, E. Gutmark, I.H. Tuncer, M.F. Platzer, B. McLachlan and J. Bell, AIAA paper 96-0661, 34th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 15-18, 1996
Updated on Thursday, 08-Oct-1998 22:57:45 EEST