#history Bookshop 

amazon.com earnings report for 1st Quarter of 2002

KEY: (HB)=Hardcover Book   (PB)=Paperback Book   (AB)=Audio Book   (CD)=Compact Disc   (DVD)=Digital Video Disc   (VHS)=Video Tape   (TOY)=Toy

Earnings by Item Report For undernethisto-20
January 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002 Glossary of Reporting Terms
Item Name
sale price (discount)
Referral Fee % Items
Shipped Items
Referral Fee Earnings
Official Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Studio Techniques(PB)     5%      
$27.99 (30% off )   1 $27.99 $1.40
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Adobe Photoshop 5 (Complete Idiot's Guide)(PB)     5%      
$13.59 (20% off )   1 $13.59 $0.68
TOTAL SHIPPED   2 $41.58 $2.08
TOTAL RETURNED   0 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL   2 $41.58 $2.08