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Carefree Maneuvering


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Carefree Maneuvering is a new term describing the ability to allow pilots to fly the aircraft without worrying about its envelope limits. Various pilot cues or controller techniques can be designed into the system to reduce pilot workload.

Recent Research Topics

Carefree Maneuvering for Piloted Vehicles Using Active Side-stick Controllers
Carefree maneuvering using active side stick inceptors is a popular form to cue pilots on approaching limits. A key problem is to estimate the available control travel at the time the controls are applied. This requires estimation. A major research topic is to develop techniques to estimate so-called control margins on active inceptors.
Carefree Maneuvering for UAVs   
Autonomous and agile UAVs need to monitor their flight envelope limits similar to a pilot. Control systems need to be developed to account for this fact. In our approach a separate envelope protection module can be integrated to any exciting UAV controller to adjust controller commands so that the flight envelope is not violated. Moreover the system will allow the UAV to fly at the limit boundary using the UAVs full flight potential


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Last modified: 11/29/07