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Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle design are closely related to its autonomy, hence to the development of advanced controller technologies. The AE-SCA Lab dedicates a considerable amount of its workforce to the design and development of control systems (often understood as autopilots) and its avionics hardware.

Recent Research Topics

Mathematical Modeling of Various UAV Systems
Mathematical models of fixed-wing, helicopter, ducted fan, tilt-duct, quadrotor UAVs. 
Controller Design for UAVs   
As the autonomy of a UAV is strongly related to the controller design the AE-SCA Lab focuses on the design of controllers for UAVs. Controllers range from simple inner loop stabilization to intelligent decision making. Particular focus is the robustness, fault tolerant controllers, flight envelope limiting controllers, and redundant controller reallocation. 
Hardware Integration
Integrating flight controller software with flight hardware is of particular interest. The design of hardware is established in a system level and integrated with the controllers described above. A recent project will enable the lab to integrate the whole system into a flying platform and flight test our designs.


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Last modified: 11/29/07