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Helicopter Simulator


Research Areas
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Simulation using Head-Mount-Display and Data Glove

A Low Cost Helicopter Simulator Using Virtual Reality Tools

This research is the foundation to develop a library of simulators of various aircraft. All simulation models are hooked to a set of HMD and data glove units for the research of simulator effectiveness and handling quality issues when virtual reality tools are used. Some of the simulation models available in our library are Uh-1h, Ah-1S, Uh-60, A106, Cessna 172, etc.

Click here for a video (5Mb) of our Uh-1h simulator.

Key Personel

bulletDr. Ilkay Yavrucuk - Principle Investigator
bulletDeniz Yilmaz - Graduate Student Assistant
bulletOnur Tarimci - Graduate Student Assistant


Send mail to yavrucuk@metu.edu.tr with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 11/29/07